Thursday, February 18, 2010

Shred That (G)nar

This is yet another spoken-for post, going out to a friend here in Good ol' Aomori. Read, then cast your vote. You decide the fate of this court case. *The only knowledge I have about court cases comes from TV shows that I don't watch, and Sci-Fi shows that I do watch, so just roll with it.

"Order in the court!" Judge Whip R. Snapper bellowed from her bench hitting her gavel as hard as she could against her platform. The courtroom settled down.

"Let's see," she looked at her paper. "Today we have Captain Slowtoad of the SS Kart prosecuting, and 'Kid with Klinefelter's Syndrome so be nice to -' err...I mean, DKizzle defending. You two may janken for who presents their case first to the jury."

"Saissho a gu, janken PO!" Rocks and scissors, the prosecution would give their case first.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury," the Captain's lawyer began, "we believe that 'gnar' as in 'shredding the gnar' and 'shred the gnar-gnar,' among other uses, not only deserves a G in the front, but it's very use in words such as 'gnarly' mandate it as a requirement. Furthermore, omitting the G paves the way for confusing and needless homophony, as in 'Do you understand this? Nar.' or 'Are you ok? Narp.' With this in mind, we submit that gnar, spelled correctly with a G in front, is necessary in this day and age. Thank you."

"Defense may rise," Whip said.

"We, as the defense, disagree wholeheartedly with the prosecution. Putting a G in front of nar will invariably lead to people pronouncing it phonetically: 'guh-nar,' which ruins the flow whilst one be shredding said nar. And imagine, if you will, ladies and gentlemen, little nar-shredders riding a wave or carving down a mountain telling their papas and mamas 'look mom, I'm shredding the guh-nar guh-nar.' The defense believes that adding a G will ruin correct pronunciation, leading to the inability to explain what one is shredding, which will eventually lead to the downfall of the United States of America by way of decreased exports of America's number 1 shredded commodity, nar. The defense rests its case."

"Ok, the prosecution may call up its first witness. The author, creator, and giant panda that secretly controls the world's dictionaries, 'The Japanda formerly known as JishoPanda,'" Whip intoned.

The prosecution confidently strolled to the platform as The Japanda formerly known as JishoPanda was sworn in. It's belly undulated in pleasure at the eucalyptus-printed book.

"Japanda, is it true that you control all of the dictionaries in the world?"
"Yes, every single one."
"For how long have you been in control?"
"Ever since I inherited power from Jitenarwhal in 1850."
"Wow, you must have seen a lot of changes, right?"

"OBJECTION!" The kid with klinefelter's screamed. "Unnecessary small-talk!"
"Objection over-ruled, you may continue with your questioning, prosecution."

"As I was saying, you've seen a lot of changes. Now, have you run across the word 'gnar' in any of your dictionaries?"
"Yes, I have. There are two entries with different spellings in my site. It makes me hungry and aggressive."
"Please, tell me, my gracious spotted roly-poly biped, how many entries are there for 'gnar' with a G, and 'gnar' without a G?"
"There are 35 with a G and 20 without a G. Of the 20 without a G, numerous ones are for 'nar' meaning 'a negatory response meaning 'no'.'

"OBJECTION!" Klinefelter's screamed, "Negatory isn't a word!"
"Objection, sustained. Witness's validity is under question."

"Oh really?" Japanda asked. "Have you checked all of my dictionaries? I'm like a hippopotamus/my entries are bottomless/ bubbling from my throat like phosphorescent phosphorous/can you check it like Kid Rock's proctologist?/I write-sleep-eat and quiz-it like Stephanopoulos."

"Objection over-ruled. The Japanda has a point." Whip R. Snapper was entranced by the hypnotic circles on it's belly that moved in time with the rap.

"The prosecution is finished. 35 entries to 20."

"Defense has no questions, but calls philosopher and linguist Noam Chompsky to the platform."

The panda hip-hop kibbles-and bits'ed off the platform, only to be replaced by cunning linguist and philosopher, among other accomplishments, Mr. Chompsky.

"The defense would like you ask you a few question, Mr. Chompsky."
"Much Obliged."
"Sir, could you explain the etymology of the word, specifically in BCUva philosophy?"
"Much Obliged. Clearly 'nar' comes from the thing which one must shred. Now, this shredding can happen in both a physical and metaphysical sense, and in many times, occurs in both simultaneously. However, and this is an important point we will return to, the 'nar' which one may or may not shred is not necessarily a material object. Depending on the speaker and the topic, 'nar' may encompass a wide variety of objects, emotions, though nearly all are positive, and actions."
"Would you consider 'nar' to be related to gnat, if it were to include a G?"
"While both contain the silent G sound, that is their only similarity."
"Thank you, the defense rests." The Klinefelter's kid shot the Captain a look filled with malice and minor mental disability.

"Yes Madame Snapper. Now, Mr. Chompsky, it is interesting that you bring up that gnat and gnar have only one similarity. Can you think of gnar, with a G, having similarity with any other word?"
"Much obliged, but not off the top of my head."
"What about 'gnarly?'"
The court gasped.
"Ahh yes, gnarly, one of it's alternate definitions bears much in kind with 'gnar.' I supposed there is quite a number of geographic and usage similarities, it must've slipped my mind."
"Furthermore, when something is 'gnarly' in the gnarled up sense of the word, how might one fix the problem."
"I'm not sure what you're-"
"Would someone, perhaps, grate or slice it?"
"Well yes-"
"Or perhaps, one could do both at the same time and shred it, wouldn't you say so, Dr.?"
"Well, that is certainly true."
"And, in the context of a mountain, which one might say is a gnarled up ball of dirt and rocks, couldn't one philosophize that it's natural form would be as 'plains,' Dr.?"
"I see what you are getting at, if one was to shred gnar, the gnar in this case being a mountain with snow, one could be performing the action of shredding a gnar that is both related to something 'gnarled,' as well as something that derives from the Californian slang 'gnarly.'"
"Yea brah, yea. Prosecutions rests, Dawg."

"Ok, you have both done a good job of presenting your cases. The jury will take time to deliberate the answer and return with a verdict."

Ok, whoever is reading this blog, I want your votes. It will determine the outcome of this story. Which is it, gnar or nar? Feel free to discuss in the comments.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

As long as we both agree on what the "N" on Slowtoad's lift ticket stands for...


About Me

Hi, I'm Greg, but you can call me by my Japanese name, Gureggu, if you'd like. I'm writing this blog to explain effective ways to do business with Japan and Japanese companies. Why? Japanese companies are notoriously difficult to understand, and doing business in Japan has a unique set of hurdles.

Why I'm qualified to write about Japan: I have worked in Japan for a total of 8 years. I worked sales at a Japanese import/export company (subsidiary of a much larger corporation) as the only foreigner in the company. Before that, I taught for 2 years at High Schools and 3 years teaching elementary and middle school in Aomori Prefecture. I have lived the life of a salaryman and experienced firsthand the institutions that shape Japanese people in their most formative years.